Saturday, July 17, 2010

It's a girl!!

Went to the doctor yesterday and found out that we'll be expecting a little girl this winter! We both found out that each of us was secretly hoping for one of the sexes. Trey for a boy and me for a girl! But we're both thrilled knowing that she looks perfectly healthy! Here's our first 3D image of our baby. She was dancing around so much that it was hard to get a still photo of her! This was the only one that didn't have her face all smushed up against the placenta. We go back in another month and will be getting routine ultrasounds. Apparently, they can just switch routine ultrasounds over to 3D with the flip of a button these days. It's pretty cool but a little freaky to see! Still haven't taken any photos of the belly but know that I need to. Little girl is measuring a few days larger than her due date and weighs 13 oz now instead of the 10 oz that she is supposed to. Who would have thought Trey and I could produce a larger than average child!!?? Based on her size, there's a chance we might be meeting her sooner than December!