Monday, April 26, 2010

We're pregnant!

On March 25th, 2010 I woke up in the wee hours of the morning to get ready for work. I must've been feeling lucky that day. I took a pregnancy test and the faintest + symbol I've ever seen showed up. I stared at it in various lights for about 5 minutes before deciding that it was really there. I woke Trey up from a dead sleep- it was 5:30am- and told him that I thought I was pregnant. His response? "Congratulations"- he clearly wasn't awake enough to realize that this would affect him too!
We had our first sonogram on April 9th and saw a little flicker of a heartbeat. It didn't look like much, but it did confirm that we were, in fact, expecting a baby and that it was growing perfectly. Tentatively, our due date is 12/2/10. The Dr. thought that the baby measured a little on the small side for this due date so we're going to re-measure in a few weeks to confirm the date.
Next appointment: April 30th. Will post the pictures we get.
So far, I'm feeling pretty good but I get abnormally tired really easily! Trey's been awesome about letting me nap as much as I can and putting up with my food aversions- nothing looks really good to me right now!
Thanks for following our baby journey!