Sunday, May 23, 2010

12 weeks!

May 23rd, 2010
Had our third sonogram on friday. Everything looked great! Heartbeat was 164- still really good and strong. As you can see by the pictures to the left, it's really starting to LOOK like a baby! The baby is about the size of a large plum right now so it's getting pretty big.
We got the mommy-mobile last friday, the 14th. We ended up with a used 2009 black Tahoe. It's enormous compared to what I'm used to driving! Good thing I have 6 more months to get used to it before baby gets here. Our next visit was supposed to be in 4 weeks but we'll be in Mexico for what I'm calling the Babymoon, since it will be our last big vacation for a long time! So the next report will be on MomMom's birthday, June 25th. We are 8 weeks away from finding out the sex of this little Pistache.
Last night we spent the night at Lost Pines for our anniversary. We went last year too and are trying to make it an annual thing. It was wierd to think about if we are going to make it there next year with a 6 month old! Thanks to everyone who has been checking in, or asking about how I'm feeling or for the mother's day cards I got! Trey sent me some beautiful "pre-mother's day" flowers which made me cry, but then again most things do right now!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

April 30, 2010
Just had our 2nd sonogram and everything looks great! The pictures are to the left. If you want to know what you're looking at, picture a Gummy Bear- with a big head and body, but tiny arms and legs. And then put it upside down. The head of the baby is at about the 7 position on a clock and the feet are at about 2 o'clock. The black moon shaped thing is my uterus and the light area in the concave curve of the moon is the placenta starting to grow. There is a very faint line at the top of the "moon." This is the umbilical cord attaching the baby to the placenta.
They are saying that we are measuring 1 day larger than our official due date but have solidified the date as December 3rd. So we are officially confined to Austin for the 2010 holiday season. We heard the heartbeat for the first time- last time we just saw the heart flicker. It's measuring really strong at 188bpm!
I'm feeling really good right now! Not much of a baby bump. Looks more like a full belly after a big meal! I put a rubberband around the button of my jeans yesterday to make them just a little more comfortable. We have our next appointment on May 21st, but next baby step is the mommy-mobile I'm getting in 2 weeks. We're trading in the car for a bigger SUV. Good for having a baby, and safer for these dark, country roads that have a ton of deer on them.
The Iobst and Latiolais grandparents have officially claimed their grandparent names. And Nana Benamoz will officially be referred to as Gigi from here on out!